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Exactly how the inner core rotates has been a matter of debate between scientist...
This is the second time in two years that the Brunt Ice Shelf has had a major br...
"We have discovered more than a thousand burial sites before in Luxor, but this ...
But it will miss, the space agency says, in one of the closest encounters of its...
The mummy of an ancient Egyptian named Hekashepes represents two remarkable firs...
San Diego's usually blue waves recently turned a bright fuchsia, and scientists ...
The remains of a British ship that set sail years before Columbus were discovere...
Bobbi Wilson is fascinated by bugs, but last year the 9-year-old's mission to ca...
The surprise bear face spans more than 1 mile across.
Investment firms are showing a growing interest in an increasingly scarce natura...
As the Western megadrought continues, investors have been buying up land to secu...
The cloned animals are capable of producing 18 tons of milk a year, or 50% more ...
An outbreak of stony coral tissue loss disease threatens to destroy 20 of the 45...
The world's third-largest coral reef just off the Florida Keys was once a vibran...
The new moons were discovered using telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, and their or...
Telescopes in Hawaii and Chile have discovered a dozen new moons around Jupiter,...